Jorge Pinzón Casasbuenas


Jorge Pinzón Casasbuenas is a Colombian self-taught painter and a graduate architect. His interest in architecture as a semiotic field was crucial for his artistic growth, as it allowed him to structure his works using universal archetypes. He has worked as both a design teacher and independent designer.

Having lived and exhibited his paintings in Germany, Cuba, USA, Sweden, Spain, Panamá, Colombia, Denmark and Mexico, Jorge’s observations when travelling compelled him to research cultural hybridization, to understand how culture affects our natural sense of transcendence. He has lived in Mexico with the Chinanteco indigenous group, high up in the mountains of Oaxaca, to study and learn about the influence the soul has on matter. For the last ten years, his constant research and painting has been based on the learnings of that experience, applying it to his observations on how culture shapes or models the perception of self in our times.

He currently lives with 20 rescued dogs and 17 cats and his family in the countryside of Oaxaca.


Instagram: @jorgepinzon_visual_artist