Sarah Capps


Sarah Capps is an artist from Charlottesville, Virginia. Inspired by the gift of synesthesia, she shares her visual experience of music through paintings. Synesthesia is a crossing of two or more senses. Sarah experiences a unique visual experience of colours, shapes and textures while listening to music. Using acrylic, oil, and watercolour, she translates her experience of sound-to-colour synesthesia in specific songs into a visual composition. Thin layers of paint applied patiently over days or weeks depict the ever-evolving movement of forms within songs.

“My goal is to capture the song and its feeling by sharing my experience of particular instruments, the singer’s voice, or a collage that serves as an imprint of the entire song. It’s like trying to hit a moving target. I attempt to convey that movement by using many layers of paint to express the forms I see within the song, which also allows for greater texture and vibrancy in the final product.”

Sarah’s works can be found in private collections across the United States as well as exhibitions in London, Prague and Tokyo.

